
Posts Tagged ‘2009’

img_1683Today, January 8th, exactly one year ago Jessi and I left for our wild and fun adventure in Egypt.  I have to say that I know for me, and probably for Jessi too, we never expected a two week trip to change our lives quite  so much.  Not only did Jessi and I become much better friends we also made three new, awesome friends.  Personally I never expected to meet anyone I wanted to be friends with there let alone maintain that friendship once we were State side.   But isn’t that what traveling is all about?  Opening yourself up to change, meeting new people and having new experiences.  

I also know for me that I never expected to return with a new energy toward life and a want to change it.  Since the trip, well we for one started this blog.  Jessi deciced she’d had enough of LA and moved back ton184903387_31715638_3573 Minneapolis.  I quit my job, got laid off and finally left the TV network which had made me miserable for 5 years.  We both started looking at completely new career choices.  I opened myself up to making many great and wonderful friends as well as traveling more and rediscovering the wonderful world of the Indie music scene. Plus we both had some interesting personal events which we’re both keeping to ourselves.

n1280970224_30092667_93851But to be honest if it hadn’t been for our  new friends and they know who they are I probably wouldn’t have decided to make all these changes.  I love that.  Most of it wasn’t easy but I’m very happy with the direction of my life now. Let’s see what 2009 brings for Jessi and for me!  This post is dedicated to our trip to Egypt and the three women who changed our lives.

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